We celebrate Saint Nicholas, as opposed to the overly commercialized Santa Claus (A marketing stunt by Coke).
Santa Claus is round and plump;
St. Nicholas is tall and thin.
Santa Claus wears a stocking cap;
St. Nicholas wears a bishop’s hat.
Santa Claus comes December 25th;
St. Nicholas comes December 6th.
Santa Claus is often seen in stores;
St. Nicholas is often seen in churches.
Santa Claus flies through the air—from the North Pole;
St. Nicholas walked the earth, caring for those in need.
Santa Claus, for some, replaces Jesus at Christmas;
St. Nicholas, for all, points to Jesus at Christmas.
Santa Claus isn’t bad;
St. Nicholas is just better!
—C. Myers & J. Rosenthal
See how Milwaukee celebrates!
Alas, our tree is up! A day later than the “traditional” day after Thanksgiving…We were just too tired from all the cooking and feasting!
As always, a curry dish was a part of our menu: Cabbage Curry! We also made a delightful cranberry-orange chutney, with southern-style sweet patatoes, vegetarian stuffing, a tasty meatless turkey roast and turkey breast. For dessert, my boys made a pumpkin pie. The day before Nishad and I made peanut-butter cookies with chocolate stars in the middle.
I have to say, the meatless turkey roast was excellent. It’s not at all like the lack-luster tofu turkey we’ve had in the past. It’s actually made from Fusarium Venenatum, a naturally occurring soil fungus, the folks at Quorn capitalize on mother nature by making mycoprotein in a controlled environment. According to Wikipedia: “Mycoprotein is a generic term for protein-rich foodstuffs made from processed edible fungus.” I know, some of you are thinking, “I’ll pass.” However, you would be passing on a good thing! The mycoprotein found in Quorn is fermented in steel vats. Think of it in terms of brewing beer. You could simply compare the fermentation of mycoprotein to that of barley for beer. The process to make mycoprotein uses one fifth the energy to produce meat.
We didn’t go to a tree farm this year. We needed to simplify things with two boys in tow. We went to a tree lot instead and hand picked the most beautiful tree! It’s about 8-feet tall…adorned with all of my dance ornaments that I’ve collected or received through the years (some now 30 years+). I do proudly display my Mother’s tree skirt.
The boys are enjoying the sights and sounds of the season. We had a Christmas dance party today. We each took turns dancing- Nishad is so athletic- such a natural gymnast! Arun is more rhythmical. He loves to turn around in a circle and then tosses his hands up in the air and lets out a “GLEE!” I think both of them would enjoy the Swingin‘ Nutcracker (finger’s crossed as we are on the waiting list to the sold out shows!).
Nishad’s tree is up as well. Which, reminds me- I have yet to take pictures of it. When he was 1, we started collecting animal ornaments for him. At 3, he has an entire tree of his own. We’ll have to start Arun’s this year. We seem to be slacking a bit with our little guy.
Nishad and his one liners, wit and charm. I picked him up from school today and Mary Beth was telling me about how chatty he was! We were in Byerly’s and he had to greet everyone we passed, “HELLO!” One lady stopped and asked him how his Thanksgiving was and if he at turkey. He quickly said, “NO!” I explained that we are vegetarians (it’s just easier in public, than giving a stranger the run down on our dietary habits). That’s when Nishad interjects, “WE ate Lobster! BIG, BIG Lobster! Lobster with big claws (as he’s imitating the claws with his hands toward the lady). BIG claws to CHOMP-CHOMP! They were in the fridge. But not now.” She smiles at him and looks up at me with a 4th-grade teacher kind-of-look and says, “That’s not exactly vegetarian.” I smiled and said, “You’re absolutely right.” She went on to tell us about how they had a pheasant that was shot “fresh” for their main course. I think by the time we left Byerly’s, everyone knew Nishad. Even Arun was speechless. Which, by the way, we didn’t have lobster on Thanksgiving. And, when we did have lobster, Nishad didn’t eat it. We did offer it though.
Which brings me to another Nishad story…Nishad’s teacher told me how he didn’t want any turkey at their Thanksgiving feast. In which I replied, “well he is vegetarian.” Thank goodness he knows! In the car he and I were talking about the situation and he replied to me with a concerned expression, “We don’t eat our friends.” I said, “That’s right, Nishad! We don’t eat our friends!” haha. I need to make a bumper sticker up with that saying! “I don’t eat my friends.”
Last week, Nishad was explaining to his father that Mamma has mamillary glands and that he, Daddy and baby Arun have them too. No need to dive into the topic of pectoral muscles until the topic arises again… Lest I forget the “racoon” episode. I was getting dressed and had my black bra on the bed. Nishad walked in and grabbed my bra and held it up over his eyes and proclaimed, “Mamma! I’m a racoon!”
Arun, would be perfect for a chorus role in “Chitty–Chitty-Bang-Bang!” Yes, he may only be 1, but boy can he sweep! He’d put to shame those other guys in the chimney sweep dance. Of course, he doesn’t want his broom, crafted for little hands. Of course, he wants OUR broom so that Ashish and my (and Nishad’s for that matter) reflexes are tested on a daily- sometimes hourly basis. I’ve never ducked are arched back so much since dance class! He carries it like a torch as well- as if it were an extension of his little body. He started saying “Cheese!” now. Hmn..I have no idea why. 🙂 He helps with the laundry. He loves to put things in the dryer for me. A few weeks back, while at the doctors office I had my shoes off and he picked my show up and tossed it in the trash! Yes, as you guessed it…that IS the exact timing of when the doctor opened the door. Me, half way in the trash can, head first, fishing my shoe out…”Hi, Doctor!” (As my voice echoed as only in can in a plastic can.) Arun has no regard to the label of “BIO-HAZARDOUS”… Arun also says, “Cuc” for cucumber, “Car” and “Go!” He tries his best to say “shoes” but it comes out like “shooo shoo” (mental note: He could help Palin Shoo Russian boats away- he’s a natural!).
I’ve been so busy taking pictures and creating Holiday cards for clients, I haven’t had a chance to start ours. I’m normally the first one to mail out our cards. It’s kinda refreshing though to be able to sit back and relish the cards we’re receiving. I don’t think I sat back, took a moment and smiled at them as I have this year. I’ll get our cards done eventually- and in time for Christmas.
Ashish already has his Christmas present from me. I felt so proud as I bought it for him with earnings from my photography and design business. He wanted a Verizon HTC Touch Pro and he was in dire need of a new phone. Hopefully he’ll think of me every time he touches it and then he’ll get goosebumps! hee–hee! Just not enough static generated to short the phone. 🙂