Out and about, hittin‘ the town, soaking-up Winter vacation time – enjoying our time with Nishad! We felt ambitious and were not about to let the cold hinder us. Off we went to the Maple Grove Community Center’s indoor playground. For a mere $5 per child (ages 1 and up), one receives a wrist band which allows to to come and go as you please- for the entire day. There are even picnic benches for a place to eat lunch.
Oh what fun! Nishad didn’t want to “play” in the 1-3 year old section, so I took a breath and watched with a smile as he made a go for the, ever-so-crowded, climbing slide that children, twice his height were happily jump, sliding and thrashing on. He made it up and climbed and climbed! I asked him to come down, which he did, and then he started to be sad. I asked what was wrong and he explained that he had fun climbing and wanted to do it again. So, he did. Arun in my hands, we watched as he climbed higher and higher. Every so often encountering another child, which a big grin and occasional “hello” in passing. 
After feeling comfortable and confident, Arun and I played in the 3 and under section for a bit while Nishad explored.

We spent an hour and forty-five minutes playing at the playground, and worked up an appetite. Keeping with our theme of fun, we headed to ‘The Mouse House’ (aka Chuckie Cheese, but we call a mouse a mouse in this house!). Pizza, games and prizes. By 2PM, we were ready and loaded…destination home for a nice afternoon nap!