Busy! I am knee deep in penguin planning for one “cool” party! We’ve heard from everyone but one family that was invited, so I’ve been able to start purchasing things we will need and creating the favors, etc. I ordered special cakes…it’s a secret! I’ve finalized the games and menu as well. MB even came over last week and got crafty with me. I’m looking forward to Kelly’s visit on Thursday! With two photo-shoots this weekend (adorable families!), cleaning, some more shopping…and I’m subbing tomorrow for the duration that the kids are at school (at their school)…I can already feel the pressure of the week.
Tiger has been doing GREAT with the potty. He walks around saying, “I go in the potty.” Nishad is so chatty these days. He loves having car and snake parties with Daddy. Daddy recently bought him a telescope…now he goes on and on about the planets and stars- he loves it!
I am feeling much, much, much better. I thank my friends far and near for all their support and care. I’m so lucky to have my Minnesota Besties. Thank goodness for finding such bright gems! Lucky me.