We are happy to report that Daddy has made it safely to his hotel! As I type he’s already chattin’ it up with an old pal he use to work with back in the land of Obama. His friend now lives in San Jose. It’s too bad Ashish didn’t coordinate with Auntie D and Uncle J who live in Campbell as well! Next time…when we ALL go. 🙂 Ironically, Ashish was telling me about a family who are moving from Los Altos to Saint Paul. The guy accepted a director’s position in the city so they won’t sell their house back in Cali, instead they plan on renting it. He told Ashish that they found a great house in Saint Paul. So, it was good for both Ashish and their family to network about each others city, family, jobs, perks and cons.
I’m really happy with the way things are progressing with my photography and design work. It feels good to help people and offer something different that I love to do.
On Saturday we did venture out as a family for apple picking! We’re going to have Nishad and Arun’s birthday party there- so it’s under wraps for now…surprise!! I DID get the most adorable (if I might say) photos of the boys while out!
It feels so odd to have just the boys and myself in the house…We miss you, Honey! Arun just walked around repeating, “Dada!” and Nishad was extra snuggly. He’s not feeling to well either. I decided to let him rest in our bed and when I went to check on it I laid down next to him and he pulled my face close to his and kissed me. Then he said, “Dada in a hotel?” I said, “Yes Nishad.” Then he said, “Dada on a BIG plane today.” I said, “Yes, Nishad.” Then he said to me, “It’s okay, Mama. I’m feeling better. I want to sleep in my bed now.” I’m reminded of Ashish through Nishad on a daily basis- not only by his physical characteristics…but by his big heart and loving nature filled with compassion.
I do have more to add tonight, however, I’ve been on the go, go, go with the boys with hardly enough time to even rest my feet~ time to finally retire, another long day ahead.