The weather wasn’t picturesque, but despite the rain, I did get some great shots of Dance Caravan. I really enjoyed working with this group of 12 dancers. Such troopers in the rain! I was hired for two bookings with them; one to document their live performance and another for stills.
The following day, I had two additional bookings- two wonderful families that I gave the option of re-scheduling as it was ‘really’ raining. They opted to re-schedule, so I look forward to taking their pictures in the coming weeks!
I feel blessed that I was able to turn my love of photography and deisgn into something that I could share with others and create a business from it. My love, Ashish, stayed home with the kids so I could go focus on my business and passion. I also worked on some updated brochures and I’ll need to get some more business cards soon! In a week, I’ll be promoting my Autumn package, so stay tuned!