Oompa, Loompa….doom-pa-dee-do! Off to Stages Theatre in Hopkins, Minnesota to see the production of Roald Dahl’s, Willy Wonka. Though we were tempted to chew on the endless chewing gum, take a sip from the bubble drink, snag a squirrel to take home as a pet and transport ourselves into TV-Land…we survived the show without turning ANY shade of purple, are not any more flexible, or taller than when we first entered the theatre, we don’t float and haven’t been called a “bad nut” (at least not in the past few hours!).
This kid friendly (1 hour run-time) theatrical version is filled with color, creative Oompa, Loompa costumes that keep dancing even with the actors pause, and lots of light fun moments. Of course, many of us 30-somethings recall growing up with Gene Wilder starring in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Not “bad” but definetly some dark, creepy moments. (Or, maybe that is just my adult perspective on the way Wilder portrayed his character.) Stages production focuses on the spirit of the valuable morals instilled by characteristics of honesty, integrity and compassion.
The production runs until August 1st and is appropriate for all ages. After the show, you’ll be delighted with the friendly cast that happily signs autographs, poses for pictures, engages in conversation and though you them them for a wonderful experience, they are sure to thank you for attending.