I made a choice to venture out on Friday night to pick up some stuff from a print suppler and make a dash to Target. While it was snowing when I left the house around 7PM on Friday, the roads were not covered in black ice. However, they were coated with snow as we live in a city that doesn’t believe in plowing until the snow stops- to which I say, why not wait until Spring then? ha,ha. They will eventually melt. Give us our tax dollars and we’ll outsource plowing for the main arteries of our neighborhood. Leave it to the citizens that keep the town moving~ Especially, a commuter city.
While heading back home on I-94, on the strip between Maple Grove and Rogers a car, about two car lengths a head of me, hit black ice and spun out. The car landed with the two back tires in the ditch, and was luckily able to drive out of it. As I was about to hyperventilate, I quickly tried to react calmly. Ice too was now on black ice. I took my foot of the brake and eased myself to a stop. Thankfully, others behind me witnessed the spin out as well. Continuing on, we were all traveling at about 15MPH in traffic congestion. This could only mean that there was another accident ahead. There were- several to be exact. A few cars on the shoulder and a few in ditches- even down embankments.
I was never so relieved to see the exit for our house. Upon the ramp, there was another accident. Of course, I turned off the county road to a side street only to find our roads a mess of slush and ice underneath. Cars in the subdivision where sliding all over.
Needless to say, I feel so blessed and thankful that I am safe. It cried when I pulled in the driveway and stayed outside a bit to shovel. I didn’t want the boys to see me crying. (Yes, my cheeks were frozen!) Don’t get me wrong, Minnesota is a beautiful place and we’ve been very fortunate to live and lead the comfortable lifestyle that we do have here. However, I’m quite ‘over’ the snow and it’s only the beginning of the season. I think it’s time to start researching our next vacation.