Ashish, affectionately known as Honey and Daddy, has already departed the land of lakes to attend a conference at the city by the bay. We already miss him. We dropped him off at the airport by 5:30AM and he called us when he made it through security. As we passed the plane hangers, Nishad said, “Daddy’s going on a plane.” I reassured Nishad that Daddy would be back soon. I reminded him of how he was on a plane twice already! Once when we went to California when he was 4 1/2 months old and another time when we went to Florida when he was 18-months old. We’re following his flight online. If only we had wings! He has a stop in SEA, then on to SFO. We surely look forward to all the stories Daddy will have to share with us when he returns, but we look forward to hugging Daddy again most of all! This is the first time I’m alone with the boys. I’m sure I’ll have a busy week! Our family has a missing piece…that’s already apparent. God Bless, Daddy~ Safe and healthy travels…