Today Arun and I had some company for a morning walk; our friend and neighbor Krista and Lucas came with us! We walked down to see the cows at the dairy farm that is only two blocks away- then we roamed the streets, avoiding people that pay no attention to the posted speed limit. After we headed over to the park, where we planned on meeting Laurie with Sean and Baby Sage. Sean was in his glory climbing all over everything while Lucas chased him everywhere. Arun was happy exploring wood chips and Baby Sage was enjoying her nap. Lucas was ready to nap, so we said bye-bye to them and hung out a bit more before it was time to leave to go pick-up Nishad from school. It was so nice to see Krista, Lucas, Laurie, Sean and Baby Sage. I’m looking forward to seeing them again soon!
Nishad had a great day at school! Brenda told me that he went poop, too. Woo-hoo! I think he digs their potty. Nishad was excited telling me that he was working on the pink tower. I said, “Wow. What did your teacher say?” He replied, “Brenda told me good job!”
On the way to pick him up, Arun and I stopped at Pancho’s and picked up some Mexican food for lunch. It was way to beautiful to be inside today! I surprised Nishad by telling him we were going to have a picnic! He was very excited and even suggesting having one on the lawn of the school. In a hop, skip and a jump, we were at Mission Hills Park. We enjoyed our Mexican food and then played at the park. Plymouth has one of the best park systems. I especially love that all of their parks are tobacco free zones. No nasty cigarettes around on the ground, or icky smell and second hand smoke.